CS Beginner
If you are completely new to Computer Science, we have provided areas of focus that will help you prepare for moving up the next level of experience. It is not necessary to follow this information in any particular order, but we do recommend you focus on these areas before you move on to "intermediate".
See an advisor to review course load and plan out your semesters. Hunter Resources here...
We have suggestions related to your courses
At least one CS and one core math course
Build understanding of formal logic
Discrete mathematics course
Read and understand code clearly
Become familiar with version control
Debug, Debug, Debug
Become familiar with a new Comp Sci professor every semester. Go up to them after class and introduce yourself. This will come in handy for recommendation letters in the future. Do this every semester.
Please review this page and start thinking about individual projects that you will want to work on in the future. Building on what you are working on in your classes helps.
Think about how you can focus projects around learning new languages (not C++)
Start a Github account that will help you with classes and your individual projects.
Start a LinkedIn account that can be structured and ready for when you have more information to add
Start a Resume so that it can be structured and ready for when you have more information to add
- Hunter CS Clubs
See about joining a club to help meet other students and reach your goals
- Programs
Some programs are focused on earlier year students so it will be good to apply early.
- Hunter CUNY 2X Resources
Hunter CUNY 2X Newsletter https://bit.ly/CUNY2XNewsletter
Hunter College CS Student Event Calendar https://teamup.com/kskdcw1236dz62mxwa
If you feel you have accomplished the above, we recommend you review Intermediate level information. Found here...
Full list of our Job Search and Interview Information
Find the full list of all the content on the CS Handbook here....